Ride Info

The Tour de Donut is a scenic ride on lightly to moderately traveled roads in Lawrence County.

2025 check in will be held at:

Westminster College Memorial Field House
New Wilmington, PA 16142

All riders will need to sign in at Memorial Field House to actively participate in the ride.

Each loop begins and ends at Westminster. Drinks, snack and donuts will be supplied for all riders at designated stops along the routes. Those who eat a full dozen donuts during the ride will win a commemorative souvenir. Those 12 and under will only need to eat a half dozen.

All riders must be wearing a helmet while cycling. Riders will be sag supported until 2 pm.

In an effort to stay safe and be as efficient as possible, we are continuing fleet times for all riders.

When registering you may select your start time:

15 min stagger – starting at 8am through 11:45am

Riders do not have to pick the route when you register.  If a rider feels up for it, they may tackle two or more of the loops! However they should know that our radio support ends and aid stations close at 2 pm.

Online Registration closes 24 hours before ride day…

Cash / Check Accepted Day of the event- Register upon arrival.

REGISTER HERE: Discounted Registration Fee through Monday, April 15th 1:00am

Proceeds support LIVE New Wilmington and will contribute to community building efforts and green initiatives.